


Nearly a decade into its emissions-crushing run, Wabtec’s 层4 innovation platform is just getting started.


In the early 2000s, Wabtec (then GE Transportation) faced an important decision. With Tier 2 emissions standards for CO2, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) set to take effect in 2005, 该公司是应该修改其广受欢迎的富戴劳火车头,以满足更严格的环保制度——其竞争对手采用的那种渐进方式——还是采取完全不同的策略?

思路 │ Wabtec Corporation

意识到可持续发展将会持续下去,排放标准将在未来继续降低, Wabtec did what it has historically done at key moments of industry change: it bet on innovation.

Instead of making a short-term upgrade to its legacy FDL 迪士尼3彩乐园, it invested in the future, developing a new engine platform built for both performance and sustainability. The Evolution Series 迪士尼3彩乐园 was born.

For nearly 20 years now, Evolution系列平台已成为Wabtec产品组合及其客户机队的基本组成部分. It has answered the call of freight railroad’s immediate challenges, while providing a rich base for continuous improvement, breakthrough innovation, 以及引导铁路行业发展到今天的跨越式进步——所有这些都要遵守越来越严格的排放要求.

现在,它面临着迄今为止最大的挑战:引领行业走向零净未来. And the star of the show is the Evolution Series 层4 迪士尼3彩乐园.

While others ‘zigged,’ Wabtec ‘zagged’

当美国环保署将层4排放标准签署为法律时,它设定了一个难以置信的高门槛. By 2015, railroads would have to reduce PM and NOx emissions in new engines by 90% versus older 迪士尼3彩乐园 models. 而7年(2008-2015年)的逐步实施期为迪士尼3彩乐园制造商提供了一些缓冲, the exacting new standards left nowhere to hide.

思路 │ Wabtec Corporation

A 90% reduction would require a radical approach. 大多数制造商纷纷采用基于尿素的“后处理”技术作为解决方案, 它需要在发动机缸体中安装额外的设备,这不仅会影响燃油性能,还会带来昂贵的维护计划.

Wabtec急速转变. 它采用废气再循环(EGR)技术代替后处理技术, avoiding the need for cumbersome, 昂贵的, and performance-draining emissions systems altogether.

Class 1 railroads voted with their feet. More than 1,000 Wabtec 层4 迪士尼3彩乐园s are in operation today. 这432,000磅的, six-axle giants deliver 4,500马力,最高时速可达75英里,可拉动数千吨货物. And the combination of strong fuel and operational performance, along with achieving the major 90% reduction in PM and NOx emissions, has made the Wabtec 层4 engine a popular choice across applications, from marine to 迪士尼3彩乐园 and high- to low-horsepower environments.

“我们层4发动机的成功得益于坚实的技术开发计划和一个非常敬业的团队,他们将其实现到所需的效率和可靠性水平,” says Rogerio Mendonca, Wabtec’s President, 货运设备. “我们有10个,000+ Evolution Series engines running around the world today, of which more than 1,100人是4级. 重要的是要记住,这些平台是建立在几十年的成熟性能之上的, which is what our customers are really looking for from us.”

The sustainable future

思路 │ Wabtec Corporation
Wabtec launched the Evolution Series 层4 迪士尼3彩乐园 in 2015.

然而,早期Wabtec 层4发动机具有EGR和其他技术优势, and the strong market adoption that followed, only tell half the story. The 层4’s ultimate success, 以及它在一级铁路的可持续性雄心中占据重要地位的原因, is that it is a proven platform for ongoing innovation.

Since its introduction in 2015, Wabtec在其层4的性能和对新产品的适应性方面投入了大量资金, more environmentally friendly fuel sources. On the performance front, Wabtec在不断提高层4可靠性的同时,还在不断提高燃油效率. 事实上, Wabtec正在测试新的节油解决方案,类似于其富戴劳优势产品,以减少燃料消耗和排放.

然而,这是Wabtec在探索和投资使用替代能源方面的领导地位, 为其层4s提供低排放和零排放燃料,这是一个拥有近20年创新经验的平台, 可靠性, 而且效率已经内置,这使得这些多功能发动机成为实现铁路行业净零排放目标的桥梁技术. Wabtec 层4发动机已经在努力适应大量的脱碳和可持续性技术, while the transition to pure zero-emissions technologies mature and evolve.

例如, today’s Wabtec 层4 engines can run on biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels, as well as liquified natural gas. 这些低碳选择为铁路运营商提供了最大的灵活性,以追求适合他们的脱碳道路, 这种方法可以帮助他们满足当前的法规和近期的可持续发展承诺,同时为零碳的未来做准备.

The options and innovations don’t stop there. 事实上,这只是刚刚开始,因为Wabtec正在准备其层4发动机来燃烧氢气. 虽然追求零排放解决方案的下一个篇章需要时间来发挥作用并实现商业可行性, 层4在需要的时候就会出现——就像现在一样,只要需要,它就会为客户提供可靠的“接近零”路径.

“今天,我们在系统的所有部分和所有类型的服务中都使用了层4,” reflects Keith Solomons, Vice President of Mechanical at BNSF Railway. “When we made the decision to go with buying new 层4s from Wabtec, it was strategic because we knew that by buying new, we’d be buying the cleanest operating, 最省油和最可靠的迪士尼3彩乐园,而不是重新制造现有的老式迪士尼3彩乐园.”

A bridge to the future

Wabtec的Evolution系列层4迪士尼3彩乐园的优点之一是它最终是“燃料不可知的”.“它完成了从根本上减少排放的艰巨任务,同时继续提供可靠性。, 效率, and total cost of ownership. 它在做到这一切的同时,还提供了灵活性,以适应下一个主要的可持续性创新, whatever it is and whenever it happens, where it matters most – on the tracks.

“我们在Wabtec的工作就是立足当前,帮助客户应对当今的挑战, 一只脚在未来,以确保他们能够利用明天的机会,” concludes Mendonca. “我们的Evolution系列层4迪士尼3彩乐园是可靠地跨越客户和行业不断发展的可持续性需求的桥梁技术.”
